
Foodie Fondo + #OpenStreetsNYC = Good Safe Fun

#OpenStreetsNYC on a bike is the safest, most fun place to be in NYC right now.

If you want to be out and about, join the #BikeBoom, celebrate our diverse, and essential food service community, and enjoy the fruits of their labor, join us for a Foodie Fondo.

Every Foodie Fondo ride raises money for a local charity. Good, clean fun has to be paid forward, right? Our current title charitable partner is NYC’s beloved, homegrown bike org - Bike New York. This year we are excited to also partner with…

  • The NYC Hospitality Alliance - our city’s trusted advocate for the independent restaurant and nightlife industry.

  • Stop AAPI Hate - a leading coalition standing with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the US against hatred and racial violence.

  • Women In Hospitality United - working together to empower women and advance equity and accountability across the hospitality space.

In this hour of need, supporting great organizations, safe streets, and those who serve us is essential. New York is best with a safe, vibrant street scene and a robust café culture. La dolce vita, New York style.



